Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2011

Weltverbessern: 4-

Es ist schon erstaunlich wie viele Unternehmen, die Ihr Geld (u.A.) mit dem Netz machen, das Netz überhaupt gar nicht verstehen und völlig sinnbefreite Produkte schaffen. Man hat oft den Eindruck, die Firmen setzen ihre eigenen Produkte überhaupt nicht ein oder testen sie auch nur oberflächlich. O2 ist da nur ein Beispiel und dementsprechend kein Einzelfall.

Aus diesem Grund nehme ich mir hin und wieder die Zeit den Leuten eine Rückmeldung zu geben. Erfreulicher Weise nicht ganz ohne Erfolg (sonst könnte man sich das auch knicken). Weltverbessern: 4-.

Hier die Kritik an Emirates' Schnittstelle:
[...] Here are my questions / ideas for improvement:

- Why does the customer have to login (sometimes w/ varying credentials!) on every single action of the web page? Skywards is different from managing a booking, from checking in online. Emirates internal this might be different services, but the customer sees Emirates as an entity and shouldn't have to care about this: so single login for all actions is the keyword

- Why does the account information save some information like passport#, but others (like nationality and gender) have to be entered over and over again on each booking and each checkin? After all, the former is more likely to change than the latter two: one set of personal information, shall pre-filled in all forms

- Why can I pre select meals upon booking, get a confirmation on the selection and when I do the checkin, the selection has mysteriously changed without notice and the option to correct it?

- Now here comes a huge bummer: mobile checkin:

+ Why is there a PDA/iPhone compatible page that offers "checkin online through your mobile" and when you get to the end, you don't get the boarding passes right away? Instead you get an email (Why isn't the mail address pre filled in the form?) which contains yet another link. And when you click on that you get a message "This page cannot be displayed on a mobile phone". How is that a mobile checkin?

+ Why do you get this message on both iPhone and iPad? The iPad clearly identifies itself as such and in terms of displaying something really doesn't have the limitations a phone might have

+ According to the Emirates website, not all airports support showing a boarding pass on a mobile device instead of paper. Why isn't the customer informed about that when doing a mobile checkin? The system knows which airports are used.

Consequently, the boarding passes shall be displayed in PDF (readable by all PDAs) right after mobile checkin. Also, the PDF shall be sent automatically and directly (not through another link) via email. And the bar code to be scanned upon boarding shall be sent via MMS in parallel, in order to have some redundancy. [...]